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http://tbt.testrust.com 来源:中国纤检 时间:2015-12-18
肯尼亚目前大约有590项各类纺织品服装标准,由肯尼亚标准局(KEBS, Kenya Bureau of Standards)下属的13个专门技术委员会(TC, technical committees )负责制定和发布,见表1所示。
肯尼亚标准局发布的纺织品服装标准皆为强制性标准,标准编号开头分为国家标准(KS, National standards)、肯尼亚-东非标准(KS EAS, East African standards)和肯尼亚-国际标准化组织标准(KS ISO,Kenya ISO standards),标准的编号形式通常为KS08-×××。
通过比较发现,肯尼亚的纺织品服装标准体系不如中国的纺织品服装标准全面,在一些具体的指标要求方面(如安全性要求),也不如中国的相关标准(如GB 18401—2010)严格。本节以儿童服装的相关标准为例进行比较分析。
服装的安全性能包括机械安全性、化学安全性和燃烧性,由于儿童,尤其是婴幼儿身体自主能动性差、体质弱,更容易遭受不安全因素的侵害。我国当前的儿童服装相关标准中对于儿童服装的基本安全性能进行了强制性规定(如: GB 18401—2010),而且其具体指标的严格程度处于国际较高水平。与此互补,中国还有一系列的相关标准,从设计、生产、检测等多方面来完善儿童服装的安全性能。与中国相比,肯尼亚的儿童服装相关标准中则缺少此类的系统性要求(见表3)。
(作者单位: NDWIGA Duncan-Kariuki,东华大学国际文化交流学院;蒋笑萍,上海市标准化研究院标研中心;丁雪梅,东华大学服装学院;王来力,华测检测技术股份有限公司;吴雄英,上海出入境检验检疫局)
•KS 08-1466, Specification for donkey jackets
•KS 08-1467, Clothing made from coated fabrics for protection against wet weather
•KS 08-1469, Specification for work wears
•KS 08-1465, Specification for children’s anoraks
•KS 08-687, Specification for men’s uniforms
•KS 08-212, Definition of general terms, basic weaves, plans for drafting, denting and lifting
•KS 08-127, Quantitative chemical analyses of binary fibre mixtures
•KS 08-441, Quantitative analyses of ternary fibre mixtures
•BS 2861–2866, Methods for the analysis of woven fabric construction
•KS 08-122/123, Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather
•KS 08-120, Methods of test for textiles—Woven fabrics—Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area
•KS 08-119, Methods of test for textiles–Woven fabrics–Determination of breaking strength and elongation (strip method)
•KS 08-439, Methods of test for the resistance of fabrics to penetration by water (Hydrostatic head test)
•KS 08-269, Method for determination of recovery from creasing of textile fabrics by measuring the angle of recovery
•KS 08-1077, Test coated fabrics
•KS 08-1148, Coated fabrics for water resistant clothing
•KS 08-1396, Methods of test for determination of resistance of textile fabrics to surface wetting (spray test)
•KS 08-1115, Schedule of domestic washing and drying procedures for textiles testing
•KS 08-4961, Methods for determination of dimensional stability of textiles to dry cleaning in tetrachloroethylene
•KS 08-1397, Methods of test for the resistance of fabrics to an artificial shower
•KS 08-1394, Methods of test for flammability of vertically oriented textile fabrics and fabric assemblies subjected to a small igniting flame
•KS 1630, Methods of test for knitted fabrics
•BS 5441, Methods of test for knitted fabrics
•KS 08-115, Method of test for determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics
•BS 5722, Specification for flammability performance of fabrics and fabrics assemblies used in sleepwear tested by KS 08-1394
•KS 06-66, Method of test for determination of dimensional change of fabrics by cold water immersion
•KS 08-438, Method of test for determination of the resistance to pilling of woven fabrics (pill testing box method)
•BS 6249, Materials and material assemblies used in clothing for protection against heat and flame Part 1: Specification for testing and performance
•KS 08-68, Textile care labelling code
•KS 08-411, Specification for size designation of women’s wear
•KS 08-413, Specification for size designation of children’s and infants’wear
•KS 08-1466, Specification for donkey jackets
•KS 08-1469, Specification for work wear
•KS 08-410, Size designations of clothes–Definitions and body measurement procedure
•KS 08-665, Specification for textile labels requiring to be washed and/or dry cleaned
•KS 08-1465, Specification for children’s anoraks
•KS 08-412, Specification for size designation of men’s wear
•BS 16256, BS 4830, Woven cotton tapes, light, medium and heavy qualities
•KS 08-529, Elastic flat braids containing natural rubber with cotton rayon or nylon
•KS 08-585, Specification for slide fasteners
•KS 1714, Brass eyelets and washers for general purposes
•KS 1713, Specification for holes and shanks in buttons
•KS 03-398, Methods of test for buttons
•KS 08-628, Elastic webbing - Knitted elastic fabric with natural rubber for trunk tops
•KS 08-214, Interlinings
•KS 08-665, Specification for textile labels
•Method for the determination of seam slippage of woven fabrics
•KS 08-836, Stitches and seams- Part 1, Classification and terminology of stitch types; Part 2, Classification and terminology of seam types
•KS 08-1141, Specification for the ticket numbering of industrial sewing threads
•KS 08-479 Part 1, Sewing threads, cotton
•KS 08-479: Part 2, Specifications for industrial sewing threads made wholly or partly from synthetic fibres
•KS ISO 8402, Quality assurance–Vocabulary
•KS ISO 2859, Sampling procedures for inspection by attribute Parts 0 - 3
•KS ISO 3951, Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming
•BS 5703, Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques